Kamis, 20 September 2012

(I wish) I'M READY!

Well, so after a long time of hibernation.. I have to go to a competition next Saturday (29th September) on a debate competition in Undip (Diponegoro University)
AND! Unfortunately I forget all of the materials and such and such.. And also I still got no idea of how I should debate..
This past week when I was practicing with my teammates, I was so absurd -_- So I hope this (last) week I can do it better than before. And also I hope my team can achieve something in this competition *praying*
I think that's all for now, I got to read more and a lot of articles about this debate competition. God bless us! :D See ya~

Kamis, 26 Juli 2012


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New Class, New Problems

It's been a long time since my last post, i know. Sorry .><
Well I'm now already a 11th grader at school. I entered the Science class, and voila! Here's where I'm at right now: 11 SCIENCE 1 :D
My school is now using moving class system, it's actually fun. But unfortunately, they don't give us a locker yet! ;___; and hell yes, my bag is soooo heavy and I still have to carry it everywhere I go in my school TT_TT
The positive side of this system is.. I think the teacher will be better at teaching since the facilities are ready to be used and they don't have to bring so many books to this class, then to that class, etc.
But why I don't really like this system is because we (I and my classmates) can't be that close and even when the break time comes, we just go outside of the class and find our friends and days just went like that. I don't like this.
I believe I'm not the only one who feel like this since my friends (from the past class) also tell me this. We still feel like "I want to be 10-4 again!" and "My friends are not fun." Things like that.
I know that I should move on and enjoy my new class. I tried to. But things don't go well since my break time is spent with my past classmates (Yes, 10-4 members are *almost* all good friends) and my classmates do the same too.
I still hope that Science 1 can go well and be a better class where we can share a lot of things and we can share joy there, just like my last class. I hope God also help me to be a better person in my new class and I can give more to others O:)
Okay then, see you next time! Wish me luck! ^o^

Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

A February Story

(I don't know where to start my story, actually)
So I think that I'm not into him any longer -even though my friends don't believe it. But then, I -now- know that he's into another girl. Firstly I didn't believe it, not at all, because I thought that he's not that easy to get. But then, he said it himself, and it means that I should believe it no matter what. I don't know why, there's something aching here, inside of me, when I hear that. But it's not that hurt that I want to make him mine, not like that. It's just a weird feelings here in my heart. Not aching, but something's wrong here. So what's this? Anybody knows? ><"

Second thing I wanna tell you here is that one week ago (if I'm not mistaken) 28 students from South Korea were coming to my school. I and some of my friends were chosen to be the guide and it was very interesting to meet them. Almost all of my friends were excited, and me too. It was really great to know and get a new friends from other country. I can know South Korea better when I asked them. And they're very friendly too! :D The problem is.. my friends are over excited and they took a lot photos with the Korean. It makes them irritated! I was like "Aish! Their mood is all gone! What should I do now?" I'm really confused and the Korean even refused to talk to me as friendly as before. Jeongmal mianhaeyo! ><"

So I think that's all for now. I and my friends will join a competition tomorrow. Wish us luck! :D God bless ^^

Senin, 23 Januari 2012

Heyo! \(^o^)/ Udah lama banget ngga nge-post disini ~
Actually I got nothing to say, just wanna post some photos I took this afternoon ('cause I got nothing to do at home)
Here they are! ^^

How was it? haha
I got a really fun day today :D spent my time on this :D lol ~